
This side of the web, is for my fans that can't seem to get enough of what I do. Magicians, mimes, jugglers, physical comedians, and you folks can see a little more as to what makes me tick! Or what tickles me!! It's not just Magic that I do or juggling. It's the connection that I have with the audience. So welcome and I hope to connect with you.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Rudy Coby and The Magic Castle

Hello Everyone,
I was very fortunate to visit the Academy of Magical Arts last night  partly for business and yet had a great time. The 1st act I saw was in the close-up room. Johan Stahl from Sweden He did his Awarding Winning Act. There's just something charming about a foreigner speaking english and mystifying the guests in the room.
here is his Link:  http://www.johanstahl.se/

The other Act I saw was this guy: http://revision3.com/scamschool
Brian Brushwood He actually scared me with during a part of his act and it fooled.  He had the entire audience screaming and just freaking out. In all my years of doing magic I have never seen a room freak out. That my friends says something.  He is a magician that has found his niche and I say run with it Brian…

The Main Event Rudy Coby aka LAB MAN Here is his Website: http://www.rudycoby.net/
Me and Rudy go back way back… I mean when I was just starting out performing magic for real people and getting paid for it. This guy hit upon an act that kIds and adults just loved. It was unique and just darn Clever. So Darn Clever that he got Two TV specials out of it, and toured the world… Then he disappeared. When I say he disappeared he literally left the Magic World.  In 2008 he resurfaced and has been slowly performing here and there. Last night was my 1st chance to meet the legend live. I even got to go back stage and say hello.  The Show it's self had a few glitches but over all it was a good show. The Stage it's self was a bit small for him in my opine. But do yourself a favor and try try try to see this guy perform, you wont be disappointed. 

Here is The Magic Castle Link The Magic Castle

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